Poe Immortal Ambition (2025)

1. Immortal Ambition - Path of Exile Wiki - Fandom

  • Immortal Ambition is a keystone passive skill which disables both energy shield recharge and regeneration and makes it degenerate by 5% each second, ...

  • Immortal Ambition is a keystone passive skill which disables both energy shield recharge and regeneration and makes it degenerate by 5% each second, while causing life leech to recover energy shield when on full life. This keystone is only granted from certain unique items. The Life Leech is applied to Energy Shield instead while on Full Life mod is functionally different from Ghost Reaver. While Ghost Reaver converts all sources of Life Leech to Energy Shield Leech, Immortal Ambition modifies L

Immortal Ambition - Path of Exile Wiki - Fandom

2. Immortal Ambition | PoE Wiki

  • 11 mei 2024 · Immortal Ambition is a keystone passive skill which disables both energy shield recharge and regeneration and makes it degenerate by 5% each ...

  • Immortal Ambition

3. Immortal Ambition - PoEDB, Path of Exile Wiki

4. Immortal Ambition prevents energy shield recovery from Pious Path

  • Meer resultaten van www.pathofexile.com

  • Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand.

Immortal Ambition prevents energy shield recovery from Pious Path

5. Soul Tether | PoE Wiki

  • 29 mei 2024 · The Immortal Ambition mod has the same effect as the keystone, Immortal Ambition. Taking the keystone in addition to equipping this item ...

  • Soul TetherCloth BeltRequires Level 48(15-25)% increased Stun and Block Recovery+(20-40) to IntelligenceGain (4-6)% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy ShieldImmortal AmbitionVaal bloodpriests were among the earliest intellectuals on record.It was they who found that a newly freed soul woulddesperately cling to any other source of life.

6. Immortal Ambition - PoEDB, Path of Exile Wiki

  • Immortal Ambition is a Keystone passive skill which disables both energy shield recharge and regeneration and makes it degenerate by 5% each second, while ...

  • PoEDB provides things come out each league, as well as items, uniques, skills and passives. Path of Exile Wiki editing functions.

7. Immortal Ambition PoE Build - VHPG

  • Immortal Ambition is a Timeless Jewel-only keystone passive skill. It disables both energy shield recharge and regeneration and makes it degenerate by 5% ...

  • Immortal Ambition is a Timeless Jewel-only keystone passive skill. It disables both energy shield recharge and regeneration and makes it degenerate by 5% each second, while causing life leech to recover energy shield when on full life. Energy Shield starts at zero Cannot Recharge or Regenerate Energy Shield Lose 5% of Energy Shield per second … Continue reading "Immortal Ambition PoE Build"

Immortal Ambition PoE Build - VHPG

8. Mahuxotl's Machination - Path of Exile Wiki - Fandom

  • The Corrupted Soul, Divine Flesh, Eternal Youth, Everlasting Sacrifice, Immortal Ambition, and Vaal Pact modifiers have the same effect as the keystones, ...

  • Mahuxotl's MachinationSteel Kite ShieldQuality: +20%Chance to Block: 26%Armour: 175Energy Shield: 34Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 46, 60 Str, 60 IntCorrupted SoulDivine FleshEternal YouthEverlasting SacrificeImmortal AmbitionVaal PactThe Banished Architect sought to employ all thedarkest secrets of the Vaal... at the same time.AcquisitionLeague(s): UltimatumVendor PricesVendor Offer1x Scroll FragmentMetadataItem class: Shields Mahuxotl's Machination is a unique Steel Kite ShieldSteel Kite Sh

Mahuxotl's Machination - Path of Exile Wiki - Fandom

9. PoE Immortal Ambition - VHPG

  • League mechanics: Legion(Path of Exile 3.7). Name, Icon, Stats, Faction, Category. Immortal Ambition, SoulTetherKeystone. Energy Shield starts at zero ...

  • Immortal Ambition is a timeless jewel passive. League mechanics: Legion(Path of Exile 3.7).

Poe Immortal Ambition (2025)


What is the maximum leech rate in Poe? ›

Leech duration

By default a maximum of an instance is 10% of character's maximum Life, and maximum Rate is 2% of character's maximum Life per second, resulting in a maximum 5 seconds duration of a single Leech instance.

How does immortal ambition work Poe? ›

Immortal Ambition is a keystone passive skill which disables both energy shield recharge and regeneration and makes it degenerate by 5% each second, while causing life leech to recover energy shield when on full life. This keystone is only granted from certain unique items.

What is instant leech in Poe? ›

Instant leech

For example, using life leech with the 10% of Leech is Instant mod and no other modifiers to maximum leech, a single hit that leeches life for the maximum amount will recover 1% of your life instantly and the remaining 9% over 90% of the leech duration (4.5 seconds by default).

What is the highest evasion possible in Poe? ›

Spells do not normally check for evasion. The chance to evade an attack is based on the defender's evasion rating, though the actual chance to be hit by an attack also depends on the attacker's accuracy. Because chance to hit cannot be lower than 5%, chance to evade cannot exceed 95%.

What is the chance to hit cap Poe? ›

Chance to hit can not be lower than 5% but can hit 100%. Effects that state Can't be Evaded or Always Hit (e.g. Resolute Technique, Worthy Foe) will raise the chance to hit to 100%, ignoring all accuracy and evasion stats of the attacker and defender respectively.

Do life flasks work with a vaal pact? ›

Vaal Pact no longer suppresses life recovery from flasks. It still prevents life regeneration and now also reduces your leech by 60%.

How does the golden rule work Poe? ›

Poison you inflict is Reflected to you if you have fewer than 100 Poisons on you. Hurt as you would be hurt. Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.

What is low life percentage in Poe? ›

Low life is a condition that applies when life is at 50% or lower. Linking mana-reserving skills (such as auras) to Arrogance Support which converts them into Life-reserving skills is one of the easiest way to maintain the low life condition.

Can you trap a leech Poe? ›

Leeching: Players cannot leech health or mana via traps. The trap/mine is actually doing the leeching, but they self-destruct after they're triggered, so leeching has no practical effect.

What is the life recovery rate of leech Poe? ›

Flask MasteryRecover 4% of Life when you use a Flask
Fortify MasteryRecover 100 Life for each Fortification lost
Leech Mastery25% increased Maximum total Life, Mana and Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech 100% increased total Recovery per second from Life, Mana, or Energy Shield Leech
14 more rows
Aug 10, 2024

Does leech work with DoT Poe? ›

The passive skill tree nodes dont specify hits but all the leech gems do. Check wiki, only things that hit can leech. The initial hit from ED can leech, but the DoT cannot.

What is the fastest move speed build in Poe? ›

Kinetic Blast Pathfinder is one of the fastest builds in the game, clearing whole screens with Kinetic Blast and Herald of Ice Explosions. Barrage scales very well with additional projectiles, so investing into Dying Sun will help you melt bosses within seconds.

How do you avoid stuns in Poe? ›

Having any amount of energy shield when hit grants a baseline 50% chance to ignore a stun. This occurs as long as the defender had energy shield before being hit, regardless of whether energy shield was fully depleted by the hit, and even if damage never reached energy shield due to e.g. Ward or Divine Flesh.

What is the vaal orb used for in Poe? ›

Vaal Orb can make items into something completely different; changing socket colors or improving unique items. Once corrupted, an item cannot be modified anymore so think twice before you vaal it! Unique Jewels: Some unique jewels, like Self-Flagellation, can only be gotten with Vaal orbs.

What is the max impale effect in Poe? ›

Maximum impale damage begins at 7 hits. The base is 60% reflected damage. All impale effect modifiers include 59% from the gem and 20% from passives = 79%. Final damage is (60 x 1.79) = 107% of the damage of the hit in impale damage.

What is the maximum number of golems in Poe? ›

Golem limit

This allows for a theoretical maximum of 12 golems as an Elementalist, 11 Golems as an Ascendant and 10 Golems as every other remaining class. When the player has multiple of the same Golems, their buffs don't stack.

What is the maximum Impale stack in Poe? ›

Impale lasts for 5 hits by default, or 8 seconds. Impale stacks freely, limited by the number of hits each debuff can last, as each hit that applies a new impale will also consume hits from existing impales.

What is the limit for volatile dead Poe? ›

Maximum of 60 Orbs at a timePlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. Volatile Dead is a spell that consumes a corpse to summon a volatile orb.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.