Douche (2024)

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Douche (2)

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Douche (3)

Douche (4)

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Fine. You won't come at me? Well, then guess who's coming at you. ME!
~ Douche's most famous quote.
I'm f-cking jacked up now, bro. (laughing evilly) WHERE'S THAT F-CKING "SAUZEECH"?!
~ Douche gaining maximum strength to hunt down Frank and Brenda.

Douche is the main antagonist of the 2016 adult animated film Sausage Party.

He is a sad*stic, ruthless and megalomaniacal anthropomorphic feminine hygiene product who is known for bullying (and later murdering) foods and drinks, making him both a metaphorical and literal douche. He is also obsessed on trying to murder both Frank and Brenda for "ruining" his purpose which they had nothing to do with, becoming Frank's arch-nemesis in the process.

He was voiced by Nick Kroll in his first villainous role, who also voiced Tippy Tinkletrousers in Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie and Sergei in The Secret Life of Pets 2. In Japanese dub he is voiced by Yusei Oda.

  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Sausage Party
      • 1.1.1 Origin
      • 1.1.2 Broken Nozzle
      • 1.1.3 Near Death and New Plan
      • 1.1.4 Hunting Frank and Brenda
      • 1.1.5 Final Battle
    • 1.2 Sausage Party: Foodtopia
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 5 Trivia


Sausage Party


Douche first appears getting purchased by "Camille Toh" (an obvious pun on "camel toe"). Once he is placed in her cart, he starts acting like his namesake (i.e., a "douche" who is an extremely objectionable and unpleasant person to be around). He is clearly enthusiastic and happy to be on his way to the Great Beyond (what the food believes lies outside of the market). He was seen teasing a bag of potato chips, telling him that he should go to the gym and lose weight.

Broken Nozzle

When Honey Mustard (who was returned to the store) tries to tell everyone in the cart that they are all doomed, no one listens except the protagonist sausage named Frank. Deciding everything is pointless, Honey Mustard jumps from the cart, committing suicide but not before telling Frank to talk to Firewater. Frank tries to stop him, resulting in a bunch of the items, including Douche, falling out of the cart. This results in Douche's nozzle getting bent.

After Camille Toh salvages what she can and leaves, Douche discovers his handle was damaged from the fall. He then confronts Frank and Brenda and blames them for his predicament. Before he can attack them in revenge, however, he is swept up by Darren the grocery clerk and thrown away.

Near Death and New Plan

Escaping from the garbage, Douche crawls around the garbage room, during which he discovers he has a leak and his fluids have drained. Distraught that he can never be used, he then hears someone calling for help. He crawls up some stairs and finds a torn juice box.

Getting an idea, he sucks the juice out of the box (in a scene parodying oral sex, as the tear was on the juice box's "crotch"), healing himself and fixing his nozzle, and well as giving his thin arms muscles. He then tears the juice box apart and takes the label off, using it to cover his tear. He then sets off in search of Frank and Brenda, intent on getting revenge.

Hunting Frank and Brenda

Off-screen, Douche goes around telling (likely threatening) various food items that he is hunting a sausage and a bun, and for them to tell him if the two are found. He forces a bottle of Tequila to lure the group into a bar, but when Teresa (a lesbian taco shell) helps the group escape, he shatters and drinks Tequila's liquid as punishment. Douche manages to catch up to the group between aisles, but Brenda tears off his label and runs off to safety. Douche places the label back on and gives chase, only to get stuck in the gap between the shelves as his prey escapes. As Douche continues to drink, he slowly turns green with his eyes becoming red, and growing bigger and stronger muscles.

Final Battle

During the final battle, Douche forcefully teams up with an unwilling, involuntary Darren by shoving his nozzle up his anus, and controls his actions like a puppet by yanking on his scrotum. He clearly has lost his mind, mainly due to the alcohol he consumed to become powerful. He brags to Frank about becoming a god due to his constant consumption and control over the gun wielding Darren, then takes a bite out of Frank's torso. Barry (a deformed sausage who helps lead the rebellion against humans) hooks up a couple of propane tanks to the garbage pail that Darren uses to throw out expired foods. Frank kicks Douche in his eyes with his legs, and Brenda helps Frank escape before the pail catches both Douche and Darren, sending them through the store's ceiling and exploding, killing them both. This, in turn, avenges all the innocent groceries whom Douche had killed in the process.

Sausage Party: Foodtopia

Since he is now dead, Douche ends up playing a posthumous role due to him controlling Darren through his genitals, which inspires Barry to do the same to a human named Jack while a tiny grain of rice named Jeri Rice even does it to an orange named Julius.


Douche, as his name suggests, is a light blue anthropomorphic douche with a nozzle and only a set of two arms which he uses as legs. However, his physical appearance gets increasingly monstrous after drinking the contents of many beverage-related groceries, leading to his body turning sickly green, his arms growing muscular and vein-covered and even his eyes turning red as well. He also wears a label that he got from a juice box to cover a tear in his side to stop it from leaking.


Douche is shown to be egotistical, ruthless, violent, murderous, mentally-unstable, cruel and power-hungry. He fits the term douche in both contexts, being an obnoxious, foulmouthed, immature and sad*stic bully. He is extremely merciless and destructive, as he supposedly murders Frank and Brenda to get revenge upon them for breaking his nozzle when they had nothing to do with it. One of his most odious and intolerable plans is when he drinks the juice out of innocent groceries in order to gain more strength.

Although, Douche was actually not an insane and evil character to begin with. He was an obnoxious character from the start, but was only a mild annoyance. He was also obsessed with his own physique and was repulsed by pudgy characters. Douche was also shown to have a sympathetic and compassionate side, as after Honey Mustard's suicide and Brenda and Frank's attempt to save him set a chain reaction that killed some unfortunate groceries and bent his nozzle, Douche suffered a depression that he will die without fulfilling his purpose and blamed Frank and Brenda for it (most of the blame actually fell onto Honey Mustard, but Frank and Brenda only made it worse). But once he decided to drain a dying juice of his fluids to death to refill his fluid, whatever tragic and sympathetic side that Douche has ultimately died, and was replaced with lust for revenge and thirst for groceries' juice. As he fed on more innocent groceries' juice (among them were liquors), his mind became so degenerated that by the climax, he started to attack and massacre unfortunate foods he came across as he controlled Darren to get his revenge. As with the moment that he bit Frank, Douche had already become a psychopathic, vile and brutal individual. Douche's true sexual orientation is something of an enigma, as he is clearly attracted to female humans and female bottles, but also engaged in sexual activities with male characters, sucking juice from a male grape juice box's groinal region, and wasn't shy about anally inserting his nozzle into Darren, though he seemed to consider his hom*osexual activities weird, suggesting he may have just done them out of necessity, not for pleasure. A lack of legs isn't really a big hindrance for Douche, as his arms enable him to be fast and very maneuverable.

A running gag involves Douche using idioms related to food and even making sentences that sound like he is calling for food. He gains awareness of this and it irritates him, and at the climax of the movie when he becomes a "God", he spews out a sentence with several words that sound like foods, but the foods in question are too afraid to continue the gag and decide not to, which Douche notices and degrades them.


Douche: Yo! Oh, f-ck! Yeah, dude! Somebody call a doctor, 'cause honestly, this beat is sick.
Beet: Actually, I feel great. Real healthy.
Douche: Not you, the beat! The song, bro!
~ Douche's first words
Oh, my God! My noz! MY MOTHERF-CKING NOZ!
~ Douche realizing his nozzle is damaged
Yo, did you two do this to me? Are you two responsible for my nozzle being irrepressibly f-cked up?
~ Douche angrily asking Frank and Brenda if they're responsible for breaking his noz
Douche: You think I give a f-ck about PB or J? F-ck this! Imma kick your ass! How you like them apples?
Apple: Who, us?
Douche: No, not you. Come at me, bros.
~ Douche asking to start up a fight with Frank and Brenda
No disrespect, but you look f-cking gross, bro. Look at you! F-cking bent ass busted ass noz. (notices leak) Oh! Oh great! You're leaking all your juice out! Can I ask you a question, me? Why would a god let you up in her smooth, perfect slizz when you can't even squirt? YOU GOT NOTHING TO SQUIRT! (bangs his head several times, then falls over and sobs) I got no purpose. I'm nothing!
~ Douche lamenting his lost purpose
Douche: What's up, little juicy box? You're leaking too, eh, bro? And right out of your f-cking dingle. (coughs) F-cking sucks, right?
Juice Box: Dying. So cold.
Douche: Oh. Uh-oh. Lightbulb.
Lightbulb: Yes?
Douche: No, not f-cking you, dummy!
~ Douche meeting the dying juice box and gains an idea
I think I might be forming some beginnings of what could be the flower that blossoms into an idea.
~ Douche getting ready to suck the juice out of a dying juice box
If you f-cking tell anyone about this, I'm gonna deny it, bro.
~ Douche to the dying juice box he's about to suck
F-ck. This is some next-level sh*t, dude. You f-cking like that? I'm juicing up! (laughing evilly) I'm like a full-on juicehead now, bro!
~ Douche as he sucks the juice out of the dying juice box
Yeah! I got a new purpose now. Revenge! Where's that f-cking sausage?! 'Cause this Douche is DTFSU: DOWN TO F-CK A SAUSAGE UP!!! I'M COMING FOR YOU!
~ Douche preparing to hunt down Frank and Brenda
Douche: What gives, bro? You told me you had them. So you drag me over to this f-cking aisle with all these illegal products, and now I don't see them. So where the f-ck are they? Spill the beans!
Beans: Que?
Douche: Beans, I swear to f-cking God, if you don't shut the f-ck up...
Brenda: Oh, no. He's back! Where's Frank?
Tequila: They were just here.
Douche: What part of: "I want the sausage and the bun dead, and if you see them, come and get me, and if I find out that you didn't come and get me, or just couldn't find them good enough, I'll f-cking kill your asses" did you not understand, Tequila?
~ Douche warning Tequila he would murder him if he couldn't find Frank and Brenda
Tequila: Well, it's a pretty confusing sentence, to be honest with you, you know? I mean, this is-- This happens, you know?
Douche: Ah, bro, come here. Ah, no, it's fine. It's cool. No biggie. I'm not gonna do something f-cked up to you now as soon as I bring you in close. Come here. (smashes Tequila on the bar counter, shattering him)
Salsa: No way! José!
Douche: Yes way. José's f-cking dead, yo. (drinks Tequila's liquid, growing bigger muscles)
Teresa: (cursing in Spanish)
(Douche throws Tequila's head at El Guaco's crotch)
El Guaco: Aye! Right in my guac and balls.
Douche: And the same thing's gonna happen to all of you unless you find the SAUSAGE and the BUN.
~ Douche murdering Tequila and threatening the other foods/drinks
Douche: That's no way to treat a lady.
Brenda: Oh, f-ck!
Douche: That's right, girl. It's me. And what we got here? A taco, a whiny doughnut, and some stupid floppy thing that nobody knows exactly what it is. Okay, so...
Queso: Did someone say "Queso"?
~ Douche confronting Brenda and her friends
I'm gonna get you, my pretty! I'm gonna get you and your little sausage too!
~ Douche threatening Brenda
Douche: Okay. Not exactly what I was looking for, but f-ck it, you know? Hole's a hole, bro. (laughs evilly)
Darren: Wait, snap out of it, man. Slap yourself in the face, man. Oh, man, you lost your mind. No way. This isn't real. No, this can't be real.
Douche: Oh, it's real, bro.
Darren: What? Ahh. A talking douche.
Douche: It's cool, bro. Chill, okay?
Darren: No, no! This is too much. This is too much. Breathe, man.
Douche: We both want the same thing. Look, I'm feeling like, honestly, the two of us could, like collaborate together. Like a mash-up, bro.
Darren: A mash-up? I don't understand. What's happening?
Douche: You don't need to understand. You just need to relax and open wide. (gets inside Darren's pants)
Darren: Wait. What are you doing?
(Douche inserts his nozzle up Darren's anus)
Douche: Oh, yeah.
Darren: Dude! That went up my ass!
~ Douche forcefully teaming up with Darren
Look, sausage, I relish the fact that you mustard the strength to ketchup to me. (Relish, Mustard and Ketchup whimper in the corner in sheer terror) Yeah, that's right. Shut your mouths.
~ Douche's final food pun
Douche: (laughs evilly) I sucked a juicy box's dick, and I'm shoved up a god's asshole. AND THIS IS THE WEIRDEST THING THAT I'VE DONE SO FAR, BRO! (takes a bite out of Frank's torso, making him scream in agony)
Brenda: OH, MY GOD! FRANK!
~ Douche's breakdown as he declares himself a god while taking control of Darren
~ Douche's last words


  • Interestingly, Nick Kroll also played a character named Howard "Douche" Tuttleman in 2009 TV series Parks and Recreation.
  • Unlike every other seen product in the movie, Douche seemed to know his purpose:
    • When looking at the woman's crotch, he looked forward to being used and later despite his broken nozzle, he whined that he could "still get up in there".
    • When about to possess Darren the manager, he said "Not exactly what I was looking for, but f-ck it, you know. Hole's a hole, bro."
    • Even Toilet Paper was traumatized over what he was used for, so he apparently had no foreknowledge of his purpose.
  • There is a running gag whenever Douche says a statement which usually involves food by metaphors, idioms or hom*ophones, they respond to him which easily irritates Douche, up to the point he threatens to murder them for interrupting. In fact, near the climax, when he says three metaphors, he sees the condiments in question cowering in fear and orders them to shut their mouths.
  • Douche was never going to be the original antagonist. The creators have stated that they wanted a more British villain.
    • In the leaked script, Douche does not patch his leak up, but instead he tames a rat army with a piece of French cheese and sets free a rat whose muzzle is damaged by a mouse trap. Douche names it "Dangles". However, the whole thing was ultimately cut, because some scenes were too suggestive. One of these scenes included Douche fingering Dangles in order to lube himself up and molest Lavash.
    • There was also supposed to be the secondary antagonist named "El Guaco", but that character ended up with a minor role.
    • Instead of Douche saying "I'M A F**KING GOD!", it was actually supposed to be Darren acknowledging himself as the "Dark Lord".
  • It is unlikely that Douche is his real name, as it is also the name of his product, whose brand is called "Freshlicious".
  • His nickname "Douche" is a slang usage of the term and its variants, or simply "Douchebag".
  • After Douche's character was rewritten as a frat boy type, Nick Kroll recorded all of his dialogue in about 3 hours.
  • He is the first villainous character to be voiced by Nick Kroll.
  • Douche could be considered as an antithesis and dark reflection of Frank for the following reasons:
    • Both become disillusioned by The Great Beyond (for Frank, it was learning the truth of what really happens out there. For Douche, it was getting broken and being unable to fulfill his purpose.)
    • Their journeys end up alienating them from others (Frank for questioning the Great Beyond and the belief that others have in it and Douche for terrorizing the delicacies in his revenge. The only difference is that Frank was genuinely scared for everyone's safety while Douche just wants vengeance on Frank and doesn't bat an eye to any delicacy who he kills.)
    • They both team up with humans (Douche forcefully collaborating with Darren by manipulating him with his groinal region, while Frank eventually formed an unintentional relationship with Jack in Fooditopia after the latter save him and his food friends twice.)
    • If they were taken to the Great Beyond, they would have different fates (Frank would be eaten by Camille Toh since he is a food and therefore would have had a bad fate and Douche would be used by Camille since he is an object and therefore would have had a good fate.)
    • They both handled not being taken to the Great Beyond differently (Frank accepted that he couldn't go there because he soon found out the truth while Douche was unable to cope with it.)
Douche (2024)
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