D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello: Worth It? (2025)

When played properly, the cello is a beautiful instrument that can produce a wide spectrum of tones. No matter if you want to be a superb soloist or a member of an orchestra, learning to play thismusical instrument may be a magical and life-changing experience. To accomplish so, you must first identify the best cello for beginners.

Beginner cello players want an instrument that is both ready to play out of the box and cost-effective, as they are unlikely to continue practicing for an extended period.

The decision to obtainyour first cello can be a difficult one to make at times. You won’t know which cello brands to look for or which cello would be the ideal starting cello for you if you don’t have any previous expertise.

The D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello is an excellent choice for individuals looking for an extra-ordinarycello with a rich, full sound. The high-quality craftsmanship that this cello has undergone is responsible for its rich tone. The D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello has received a lot of positive feedback in reviews of cellos for beginners, and professors highly recommend it.


D Z Strad maintains a workshop in Minnesota and a store in New York, where they sell a variety of instruments and provide services to anyone who appreciates playing string instruments. Using hand-rubbed Italian tonewoods that have been allowed to dry outside in a ventilated region for more than two decades, each cello is unique.

If you are looking for a first-rate beginnercello with a deeper tone, the D Z Strad Handmade Student Cellois the instrument for you. This D Z Strad cello stands out for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is its high-quality construction. These instruments have a beautiful external design as well as a high-quality audio output. They are not only long-lasting, but they also provide excellent valuefor the price.

Let’s get into the details.

D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello: Worth It? (1)


Sizeis one of the characteristics of the cello that has a significant impact on the loudness of the sound that it produces. Cellos are available in a number of sizes, ranging from 1/16, the smallest, to 4/4, the largest.

The larger the cello, the fuller the tone, and the more professional the cellist appears to be. However, if you are unable to relax and enjoy yourself while playing a large cello, you will not be able to produce the best possible tones. In the hands of a cello player, certain characteristics like the upper bout’s size, neck size, rib height, and scale length all have an impact on how the cello feels in their hands.

The D Z Strad Handmade Student Cellois available invarious sizes, which is really convenient. You may acquire it in an array of sizes, including 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and the full 4/4.

When compared to a full-size cello, the 3/4 size of the D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello is a significant advantage for those who require an instrument that is slightly smaller than a full-size cello. It will be a comfortable fit, and it will prevent fingers from becoming fatigued.

Body alignment should be achieved by selecting the appropriate cello size. This will not only feel comfortable, but it will also help the learner to perform better without becoming weary or injuring themselves.


The materials that are utilized in the construction of the cello have a significant impact on the sound produced by the instrument. Cellos for beginners that are less expensive are produced from wood sourced from America or China, and they produce a brighter tone than other models.

The more sought-after European woods generate a warmer and sweeter tone, which elevates the overall sound of the instrument and makes it appear more attractive.

In many cases, beginner string instruments will utilize a different type of wood for their fittings, or they will use a procedure that processes the wood and turns it black in appearance.

The D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello is constructed of robust maple wood on the back and sides, with spruce wood on the top and sides for further durability. High-qualityebony wood is used for the hard-carved pegs,tailpiece, chinrest,and fingerboard.


With a round, pleasant tone, the D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello is a popular choice for students because of its playability. It produces a great acoustic sound that provides you with a warm,clear, andresonant tone while you play, which is essential for any cellist.

The D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello ispopular among private teachers, notably Suzuki instructors, who use them as a favored and recommended instrument. It is simple to play, which may motivate students who are just starting out to continue their studies.

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The D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello comes with Prelude strings. Prelude cello strings are typically capable of withstanding fluctuations in humidity and temperature. They are able to produce the warmest sound imaginable in strings designed specifically for students. These strings are long-lasting, contain a strong steel core, and are quite inexpensive.

The Prelude strings on the D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello, which are included in the basic setup, are, nevertheless, of poor quality. It is not recommended that you use these strings on the D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello because they are for beginners. We strongly advise you to use Evah Pirazzi or Larsen cello strings instead.

Changing the strings on the D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello will open up the instrument’s sound and make it sound much more like a professional-quality piece. The Evah Pirazzi Gold, in particular, will bring out the best in this cello.

The Bow

You will also receive a Brazilwood bow with a Parisian Eye frog design and authentic white horsehair as a part of your purchase. The bow is well-balanced, and it is made of black leather with silver accents.

The Brazilwood bow that comes with the D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello, on the other hand, is a fantastic bow. However, to fully appreciate this instrument’s superb craftsmanship, it may be necessary to get a high-quality Pernambuco bow.


The D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello is a hand-oil-varnished cello that looks absolutely stunning. The thick, crimson gold lacquer finish on the cello gives it an amazingantique appearance.

Value for the Price

Prices for the D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello vary from one shop to another, but you can estimate to pay between $900 and $1,300, which is a terrific deal considering all of the features that are included in the package.

This pricing includes everything you need to get started playing, including the cello, the Prelude strings,a soft cello case, the rosin, andthe bow.

While this cello is of exceptional quality, it is also somewhat pricey when compared to some of the other student cellos that are now available. Those seeking a top-of-the-line student cello, on the other hand, will find this D Z Strad instrument to be a fantastic selection.

Final Thought

The D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello will provide hours of delight for anyone from a novice to an intermediate level of musicianship.

This Cello is a magnificent instrument constructed of high-quality wood that has been meticulously manufactured to a high level of perfection. The bundle is reasonably priced for a beginner orintermediate-level cello player, plus it contains a plethora of other accessories. The cello is ready to be played, and only a few small modifications are required to bring it to its full potential.

To learn more about other fabulous beginner cellos and how to choose the perfectone for you, please read our in-depth buying guide.

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D Z Strad Handmade Student Cello: Worth It? (2025)
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